PERSONAL SPACE: Short humor from The New Yorker, McSweeney's and beyond, by Bizzy Coy
A message from BIZZY COY!!
PERSONAL SPACE is my first book.
It’s a compilation of my 20 best short humor pieces, which have been published in The New Yorker, McSweeney’s, Splitsider, Points in Case, The Belladonna and The Establishment. Each piece is introduced with a short peek behind the writing curtain: my inspiration, process and ideas.
This collection is a labor of love, a celebration of my humor writing career, and a way to share my favorite work with all of YOU.
This is a strictly limited edition print run for you—my closest friends and colleagues, my newsletter family, my fellow writers and my creative community. There are not many copies available, so act swiftly.
PERSONAL SPACE is made with care by my local printshop, Spencer Printing. A family-owned business, they’ve been serving the Upper Delaware River Valley (where I live!) since 1910.
The cover features an original painting/collage by artist and designer Catherine Chesters, who just so happens to have a studio down the road from me. She also did the cover layout and design!
Artist, designer and New Yorker cartoonist Lia Strasser has increased the level of whimsy in the book by providing 8 black-and-white line drawings to surprise and delight you.
This slim volume will reflect your good taste to all who see it collecting dust upon your bookshelf and/or being used as a drink coaster. Enjoy a deliciously touchable coated matte softcover and 60 pound interior pages.
The foreword is by James Folta and Luke Burns, esteemed humor writers and co-founders of “A Newsletter of Humorous Writing” / “An Evening of Humorous Readings.” They are pillars of the humor writing community and I am jazzed they co-wrote this (obviously hilarious) foreword.
Lucy Huber, famous humor writer & Assistant Editor of McSweeney’s, says:
“Some of these pieces were in McSweeney's so I'm not 100% sure she can legally publish this. Checking with our lawyers. This isn't my blurb. No, stop quoting me, I'm not blurbing, I'm taking legal action.”
Brian Boone, famous humor writer & Editor of Humorist Books, says:
“As I read Bizzy’s curious creations, short bursts of air forced out of my mouth while simultaneously a rush of delight coursed through my brain. With every page, the same reaction! Do not read this book, for I fear these strange sensations will befall you too, reader.”
I will sign each and every copy AND give it a little kiss so you know it carries the official Bizzy Seal of Approval™.
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